Who are we?
Café Metik is the fruit of the work carried out with love, passion and effort by more than twenty Tzeltal women, small producers of the Nuevo Paraíso community, municipality of La Concordia, Chiapas, who decided to break with the stereotypes of the region and since 2010 we ventured to create our own brand that to date represents the livelihood of more than 100 people who have been able to surpass themselves and generate a better quality of life in their families.
We nurture the dream of selling organic coffee produced through hard work in planting, harvesting, benefiting, processing and marketing, in 2012 we set up our cooperative called “Women in Action for Sustainable Development”, being recognized for the high quality and great flavor of our coffee and as precursors of equity, good environmental practices and fair trade, which has earned us the recognition as “Sustainable Business”.

Cultivate, harvest, benefit, process and market high quality coffee, ground and roasted under the brand “Café Metik” that offers customers a feminine perspective with organic and fair trade certification. Strengthen the economy and income of women in the cooperative by increasing income from the sale of ground and roasted coffee to generate a social impact by improving the quality of life of their families and local communities.

To position ourselves in the local and regional market as a recognized brand of feminine, organic, high-quality coffee in Chiapas, as a basis for increasing the income of the women and families of our locality, to improve our quality of life and conditions, to promote an equitable position of women within our community, and to favor the sustainable development of regional economy.
Our products
We are dedicated to the benefit and sale of roasted and ground organic coffee in American and European qualities in presentations of 1 kg, 500g and 250g with metal bag and fulling bag, positioning ourselves in the national market thanks to the sensory attributes of our coffee. We have organic certification of the plot with the seals (USDA NOP, Trade Fair, SPP) In the plots up to the process of roasting and packaging of the organic coffee with CERTIMEX and FAIR TRADE. Since the production of organic coffee is to provide them with a good product free of chemicals and good for health, we conserve the environment and protect the habitat of the animals.

Technical data of our coffee
Certified organic coffee
Production Region: La Concordia Chiapas
Altitude: 1200-1750 masl
Type of Coffee: Arabica
Varieties: Bourbon, Arab, Caturra, Mundo Novo.
Cultivated Under Shadow
Variety of shade and fruit trees
Flora and fauna in abundance
Harvesting: Manual Selective
(only fruits at their optimum point)
Wet Benefit: Pulled, fermented, washed and dried
Quality: American and European Preparation
% imperfections: Very slight defects
Optimum humidity: 12%
Score from 83 to 85 points
Profile: Fruit-floral and citric acidity
Grinded or grained.
Roasted at 210 °C for 40 min. Provides fruity flavors keeping the original flavor with a slight touch of acidity.
Grinded or grained.
Roasted at 225 °C for 43 min. It retains more aroma and less acidity and the body of the coffee is light.
Grinded or grained.
Roasted at 240 °C for 45 min. The darker the roast, the less acidity.
The quality of this coffee is determined by the size of the bean, which is selected with a sieve or sieve #16 without defects or stains.
The coffee beans are selected in a sieve or sieve size #14 with a percentage of spots or defects.
These coffee beans are selected for their sieve or sieve size #16 and without any blemish or stain.
Sustainability report
20 partners
Number of producers
(20 women)
20 hectares
Number of hectares with best production practices
38 quintals
Annual production with
best practices
20 families
Number of families
– We are located in the buffer zone of the Ecological Reserve “El Triunfo”, we develop the production chain in its entirety, that is, from the germination of the seedling to the obtaining of the cherry tree, each of the women of the society benefits its coffee to be delivered to the collection in parchment coffee.
– We seek to establish sustainable processes that promote the development of the communities, so each of the producing partners is in charge of harvesting, pulping, fermentation and drying, what is known as the wet beneficiary of the coffee (coffee washing), to finally be transported to the Metik facilities, where it is collected to carry out the transformation processes.
– The management of wastewater in wet wastewater is passed through a filter, the sediments are directed to a biodigester to feed the stoves in the kitchen area of the partners.
– In addition to adding value to their coffee and offering certified products, Café Metik seeks to improve the living conditions of our producing partners, increase their participation in the organization, highlighting the work done by women coffee growers and strengthening themselves through the development of skills such as gender equity, food security, among others.
– The members of Café Metik also get additional benefits, by having a savings bank, accessing loans with low interest rates and marketing their coffee directly, which currently seeks to consolidate as a strategy to secure a better price for their product.
Alignment with Sustainable Development Goals

We are organized under the guise of a cooperative society, which we have grouped together in order to produce and process quality coffee, appropriating the production chain from the cultivation of coffee: nursery, planting, harvesting and processing to achieve an improvement in our income level.

We are a group of 20 women, who have worked together and organized as a cooperative, promoting gender equality, empowerment and participatory decision-making.

We are an inclusive cooperative and through the organic certification of our plots and the process of roasting and grinding, we have been able to employ ourselves and promote the growth of our productive activity.

We are a group of women producers of organic coffee, which allows us to have an income to support our families and reduce the inequality gap of women in the countryside.

We seek to establish sustainable processes that promote the development of the communities, so each of the producing partners is responsible for the wet processing of the coffee to be transported to the Metik facilities, where the transformation processes are carried out.
Thank you for coming this far
Do you want to know more?
Would you like to try the excellent Café Metik and/or be an ambassador for our brand? Contact us! We ship all over Mexico.
WhatsApp: 965 121 0403
Facebook: www.facebook.com/oficialcafemetik
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oficialcafemetik